Puffer with inverts?


Active Member
can i have inverts with a porc puffer? and a yellow tang? ...in a 125 with lots of rock work?


New Member
I personally never tried it but i have read some people on this site keeping puffers and urchins together. Some with anemones and some had experience keeping puffers with snails and cleaner shrimp and it wasn't a problem. That is the thing saltwater fish all have different personalities and some puffers might eat inverts and some may not.
I had a Korean Angel one time who was starting to change into adult color and he ate my valentini puffer. One morning I woke up and my puffer was gone. I was real upset with that one. They had been living together for probably 6 months or so.
Maybe the smaller the puffer the better or younger. I have thought about trying it to. Good Luck!

jonny bolt

I dont think its a good idea. I have a Valentini Puffer. He was the last fish I introduce to my tank. I already had a 2 cerith snails and a hermit crab, as well as a Peppermint Shrimp. I think the puffer got ahold of one of the cerith snails cuz I saw one of the shells overturned one day on the live rock.
After putting him in the tank, he seemed to love the Peppermint Shrimp about as much as my Pygmy Angel did. Soon after putting the puffer in, he was down near the bottom, swimming in placing, and getting cleaned up by the shrimp. I saw him do this numerous times. About a week or 2 later, I was on the computer and just happened to look over at my tank....I saw something fly up out of the rock towards the top of the tank.
It was the Peppermint Shrimp.....all of his antennae gone, legs too I think. I dont know who started on him, probably the puffer, but once the fish saw the Shrimp injured like that and swimming to the top trying to get out, they went into attack mode. The Valentini took some more nips out of him, even my Goby was swimping at it. Then Doink, my Maroon Clown, went at the shrimp a few times. My Dwarf Lion then came out of one of his forts to see what was going on. I immediately grabbed one of my nets and scooped the shrimp out cuz I wanted to see what had happened to it. Instead of putting it back and letting them all do battle over it, I decided to punish them, I didnt want to reward them for doing that. They seemed fine for weeks on end with the Shrimp, then one day, BOOM. It was weird that I just happened to be looking at the tank when the Shrimp flew up to the top. I know my Angel misses him the most, he would often stage up next to him for a cleaning throughout the day and night.
Its hit or miss man. I have caught my Puffer taking swipes at my Hermit Crab too. But the Hermit is too smart for that foolishness. I recently gave the Hermit a larger shell, and he moved right into it the night I put it in.
In the past few days, my Puffer has also started nipping at my Maroon Clown's fins. I noticed his tail had a bite out of it, and 2 of his bottom fins as well. DAMN IT!
I he keeps nippin' at Doink and messin with him, I might get rid of it. Doink was the 2nd fish in my tank, and he rules by seniority :hilarious


I have a Valentini puffer in a 29 reef.
I bought him 4 crabs the other week and he never even touched them. I thought he would eat them immediately? I also have 10 snails in with him and never bothers them. I was going to put him in my main tank, but wasn't sure how he would act around my clam?
I never seen him pick at anything in my 29 reef.

murray bmf

My porc was in a tank with anenomes and corals with no problems, but he did eat most of the snails and all the crabs. The snails that did survive had algea on thier shells. I think he could not recognize them for what they were. I would not reccommend putting a porc with inverts unless you were willing to lose them. Just my opinion. :)