Pufferfish Choking


Active Member
My toby pufferfish seems to be choking. He's getting less active by the second, and it looks like he has something white in his mouth (or maybe it's his beak, i never really looked very close before) and he is breathing hard.
What should i do? I can't tell for sure if he has something stuck in his mouth or not, so i'm afraid to try and get it out. And i'm not sure if it's completely unrelated. Is there any medicines that might help? My mother is near the fish store atm and might be able to get anything i need.
He is currently laying on top of some algae, breathing but not swimming much, and starting to lose some color.


Staff member
I don't advise taking him out. You don't want him to puff. If he has something lodged in his mouth, he'll have to work it out himself.
Have you noticed if his behavior changed recently, not eating as well, color change, etc? What are your water readings?


Active Member
Readings were fine besides nitrates being a little high. He was fine until when i saw him earlier. Nothing changed, he ate normally, swam normally, everything. I turned the lights on and he was at the bottom. I figured he was just resting, like he usually does when the lights go off. I fed the tank, and that's when i new something was wrong, he didn't jump up and dive into the food. He didn't make it very long after i posted this


Active Member
Originally Posted by cherylann
Please puffer fish don't choke, for that you need to have an esophagas and trachea not gills.
Thanks for your input. I apologize for using the wrong wording as one of my pets was dying.