pufferfish problem


New Member
well...actually i don't know the exec name for this pufferfish ( need help here ). It yellow in colour with a black spot.i just don't know what it eats actually. i try a meaty foods like small prawn, baby fish, flake food etc, but nothing happen .Please help me with this problem


Not sure of the exact species with that description...does he have multiple black spots on a yellow body? Underbelly white? How big?
My puffers LOVE two foods...freeze dried krill, and Formula One frozen. The krill makes them go nuts, they race to the top of the tank to grab it, and its good for their teeth since its crunchy.


New Member
yes...it have lot of black spot and have a white color under it's body, size about 4cm... i've tried dried krill but seems not working. maybe because it's a wild catch so it's a problem to detect it's favorite food.....


Does it look like this?
<a href="http://miniocean.com/fowlr/images/panther%20puffer%204702.JPG" target="_blank">http://miniocean.com/fowlr/images/panther%20puffer%204702.JPG</a>


New Member
dont know about a wild caught puffer but when i picked up my porcupine puffer he didnt eat for 3 weeks. we tried everything, then i guess he felt comfortable in the tank or very hungry and began eating any food we put in. He seems to prefer frozen shrimp over frozen krill.


New Member
hemm... well i try. i'm wondering maybe i'm going to sent it back to the fs if nothing happend to it..maybe they know what to do with it...i'm trying my best...thanx


Ok...if the photo I posted matches your fish, its a Panther Pufferfish. Here's the only blurb I could find on the species: "Takifugu pardalis Feed all kinds of live, frozen, and flake foods. Best to feed small amounts several times a day. We generally feed squid, shrimp (the same kind people eat), mussels, and all kinds of chopped up fish. Live fish will also be taken but should not be fed exclusively.All kinds of meaty foods including live coral and other coelenterates, sponges, tunicates, algae, fish. Bold cruncher/Adults can grow to 35 cm (14 inches). Eats inverts, and may nip at anything that gets in its way at feeding time. VERY sloppy eater, tends to bite into the heart of the food offering leaving a cloud of debris in his path. Good filtration a must, protein skimmer recommended."


New Member
thanks for the information... today i'm taken it to the fs to see if anything problem with it. well it true the fish refuse to eat every food we give to it, but i'm notice that it just feeding an algae on the lr..(small amount)what is happening to it.Well trying to wait until tomorrow if anything happen.


Try <a href="http://www.pufferlovers.com" target="_blank">www.pufferlovers.com</a> they may be able to help :)