Puffers and clams


Would it be safe to put a clam in a tank with a blue spot hawaiian puffer and a humu humu trigger? I would like to get a few cleaner clams to help keep the nitrates down. I tried to add a few shrimp but that just turned into dinner for the puffer.


What kind of clams, and what kind of puffer do you have? I toss a couple of 'steamers' in there from time to time and they last a while, ones going on 4 months at least. And when they do die it's like a buffet for my Sharpnose puffer and Huma triger.

murray bmf

I had a blue hawaiian spottted puffer for about five years, and for me the answer is NO!. There is another thread on this posted in this forum. The puffer was a great resident of my reef tank until my wife brought home a couple of clams, then he went nuts and all wanted to do was eat those clams, sufice to say, puffer mine, clams wifes, puffer gone! I would not reccommened a BSP with clams from my past experience, but thats just me......