puffers and lions


Active Member
I know that keeping puffers and lions together is generally a bad idea as puffers tend to nip fins of slower swimming fish. Is this just one of those general guideline things where it depends on the personality of the fish?
Has anyone had success keepign a puffer and a lion together? If so, what size tank were they in?
I have had a lionfish with my big puffer and they were fine, but they were the only fish in the tank and it was a 125. If you have a 125 or bigger i think you should be ok with just those two...but there is still always a chance.


From what I have heard, it is at feeding time when a problem can come up, some people have said that the lion might sting the puffer, I have never had this happen, when I had my 125 I had a dogface porky and a lion with no problems.


New Member
My dogface and 2 dwarf lions are fine together. They have diff. eating habits and the dogface is peaceful.
Should not be a problem based on my fish and being in a 125. Their could be issues in a smaller tank.