puffer's eye's look different

We have had our Porc Puf for about 5 month's now, & he's been in our 47 gal tank from the get-go, We just got home & was ck'n out all our fish & we noticed that his eyes looked like they have a clear film over them ( as if he were blind ? ), We checked the water levels, They were just a little off - Amonia & Nitrites -, We did a water change just incase it would have made any difference, Does anyone have any ideas, We took a few pics, Thanks.....John & Sherri



Ammonia and especially nitrites are bad for fish, so that could be a reason for the cloudy eyes. Do you know why there is ammonia and trites in your tank? A 5 month old tank shouldn't have either of those.
Yes, Our bristlemouth had died but it was in between feedings,(every other day) So we are sure that was the problem, Thanks