Puffers Together


Can a stars and stripes pufferfish be kept with a porcupine puffer or will they fight if so is a 90 gallon suitable for atleast a year for the two of them


Active Member
puffers aren't a very territorial fish they can be housed with just about anything that wont annoy them.ss puffers are chow hounds and can be clumsy porcs are more dosile eaters.just make sure each gets plenty to eat with as little competition as possible


Would a Stars an stripes, emperor angel, violaten lionfish, and a harlequin tusk get along ok in a 90 gal for atleast a year


I am concerned about the size of the tank for housing the 2 puffers. I have been told and have read that with an adult puffer, you should have at least a 125 - a 180 is better. Remember their size as adults, they get big.
We have a 90 and a dogface puffer in it. He has a terratory in his tank that is his and his alone. He won't bite or attack another fish, but he does communicate by eye to say, that is my chair or resting spot, oh and by the way, that is my rock. The other fish get the idea.
In with him I have a harleguin tusk fish and 2 fox face fish. That is more than enough for that tank and I will get them a bigger tank someday when they outgrow this one. They have lots of room now and he is doing well.
Go slow and plan for the future, that is my suggestion.


I have a 55 gallon tank with a spiny box puffer and a volitan lion fish. They have both been in the tank together since they were babys. They both are almost fully grown and I have never had a problem. I know the tank is too small according to the books, but they both are very happy and eat like pigs! I also have a 125 gallon with a porc puffer anda stingray and I have never had any problems with the puffer trying to nip at the ray. So I guess it just depends on the fish. I dont really always go by stats, I like to try things inmy tanks. I think as long as you get them as babys you should be fine, just my 2 cents!