

In your opinion what Puffers are the least aggressive? I want one bad but I am going to have other fish with it and I don't want harm done to the other fish.


dog face puffers are very passive when it comes to fish. toby's aka sharp nose puffers are fin nippers. i had a dog face and it would leave everything alone, but very suseptible to ick. also will eat inverts.


I own a dog face puffer. Most things that people claim they will eat, mine won't. I put some glass shrimp in there for a snack for him (the shrimp are surviving because I am in hyposalinity) and he won't eat them.
When I did add fish to his tank he felt invaded in his own house and hid for a while.
He is a mush-cake and I don't think he would bite a flea.
I have heard that you shouldn't keep puffers together though.
When he was held for us at the lfs, there was a tank next to his that had a stars and stripes puffer in it. When I went to visit our little guy while our tank was in development, I would bring him food and visit. One time, I gave the puffer next to him a little peice of food too, and my little guy was jealous.
Puffers are

cats. At least mine is.


I have a blue spotted puffer the toby one and he's a sweet fish, just be careful like the poster above said they are fin nippers. He never nipped the fins of my other fish but he bit my finger once lol. Also if you have any fish that look like worms or eels he probaly would eat them. my spotted puffer ate my engineer gobi.


Active Member
i've got a valentini and he seems to be the most docile fish in my tank
never goes after any of his tankmates


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I had a porcupine puffer a while back. He had so much personality. He would follow me around the tank. He would take food right out of my hand. He looked like the aliene ET.


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I had a stars and striped puffer in my agressive tank for over 3 yrs he didnt bother anoyone just ate like a pig.not i have a spiney boxfish puffer.both have nice personality very dosile fish.if you make sure your puffer is big enough not to get stressed easily by other more agressive fish they can be housed with just about anything.I love my puffers they have such a personality.


So do you think that I would be okay to put a spiny box or any other puffer in my 55 FOWLR tank. My other tank mates are 3 damsels and a false percula clownfish. I also have a cleanup crew and a featherduster.


my mom has a 55 gal fowlr. she has a dogface puffer (i think), a dwarf lionfish, some eel, and 3 damsels in it. she did have a trigger that died of ick. the puffer loves it in there, and he eats like a pig. he will steal everyone else's food if she doesn't keep away from him.