

New Member
I currently have only a dogface and a spiny box in my 125 gallon aggressive tank. For filtration I have about 100 lbs of live rock, Bak Pak II protein skimmer, and an Emperor 400 power filter. I was wondering if it was a good idea to get a porcupine in addition to these two guys. I have been infatuated by puffers and wanted to know if my tank can handle it. Some questions of concern would be compatability. Would the 3 of them get along? Also is my tank big enough to house all 3 puffers? I do plan to add a few more fish later on and did not want to overstock. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


how big are your fish??
puffers are pretty messy,my opinion is a better filter or at least a better skimmer,before adding anymore.i have a 180,w/wet dry and kent skimmer. large stars and stripes(14") lion and clown grouper,not sure i want to add anymore to the bio load.


Seems too much to me. Puffers are extremely messy fish.
Your bio load will go through the roof, especially if you plan on adding more fish in the future.
A Porcupine Puffer will definitely max out your tank.
I'd look into a stronger Skimmer with 3 Puffers also.
I've got a huge Guienafowl Puffer in a 125 and he makes a big enough mess on his own.
Just my 2 cents.


asm g3 minimum! think asm assigns it a 220 gallon rating,real world suggests 180, not a bad skimmer for not too much money. you could also check into coralife super skimmers,i have one on my 90 reef and it works great!


New Member
you could get a porcupine, in this tank, wont out grow it, get to be 18 inches max. Just get better filtration. Aqua-c skimmers and euro reef skimmers are really great. Best I have ever used.