

Can multiple different types of puffers be kept together? I have a porcupine puffer and im thinking about getting another kind either a spiny box (too close in apperance?) or a dogface puffer, stars and stripes, or hawaiian spotted puffer.
would any of those options go with a porcupine puffer, preferably the spiny box guy because he looks so cool.


Active Member
no guarantee's...I had a porcy and a golden puffer in the same tank and they got along fine but really you can have issues with any fish, like people they have personalites.
It will be trial, if the tank is bug enough they should be ok, IMO...nothing less than a 210.


New Member
Originally Posted by CGRANT
no guarantee's...I had a porcy and a golden puffer in the same tank and they got along fine but really you can have issues with any fish, like people they have personalites.
It will be trial, if the tank is bug enough they should be ok, IMO...nothing less than a 210.
Can I add a puffer to my tank with a yellow tang, clownfish, & 2 blennies?


Active Member
what size is your tank?
I really dont think your fish will be terrorized or killed! i had a 9-10" golden puffer and a 6-7" porcy in the same tank with powder brown, yellow's, hippo's, sailfin tang...coral beauty...3 damsels...My 9" didnt even mess with my damsels and i was actually hoping he would chomp the damsels cause i cant catch them but never happened.
edit:if your tank is a 75 like in your sig then i would not add another puffer, like i mentioned earlier i would not put 2 puffers in the same tank unless you have a 200+ gallon.