Puking eels?...how do you know when there too ful


New Member
I feed my Zebra moray whenever he comes out of his rock and swims around. Thats pretty often ....aleast once a day. My guess is hes lookin for food. do you feed them till you see a bulg in the belly???? he never refuses shrimp but won't touch anything else...any suggestions on how to vary his diet more.


Eels do NOT need to eat everyday. In fact they can go for days without eating. All fish will eat everytime you put food in the tank, but eels do not need to eat the often. Do you have other fish in the tank? If so, cut back to feeding the eels just a few days a week--maybe 3-4 days. The fish can go every other day. They will continue to eat until they explode!!!


no experience with a zebra mooray but my snowflake would eat til he puked, literally!but i tried keeping his feedings to 4 maybe 5 times a week and than he stopped puking,instead he commited suicide outta the tank and onto my carpet!!!!!!! :D