Pull up a chair...

nm reef

Active Member
...thats what I did. Pulled a chair up to the right side of the reef ...got comfortable and took several pics with my little Kodak DX3500. Ran them thru the Photosuite 4 and played with the crop...below is a reef side view of my humble lil reef. Not the best quality pics you'll ever see...but it'll give ya a peek at my system. Hope ya'all like 'em!:cool:
First is the best full view pic I've been able to get in a long time.

nm reef

Active Member
Well thanks...the display is only a 55 gal...but behind that wall is a 29 gal sump and 70-80 gal gravity returned refugium.Its just a infant....it'll grow up some day!:cool:

bang guy

Very nice reef NM!! I was going to find an empty spot on the rock and kid you about it... but .. I couldn't find one! LOL great job.


Active Member
Are you sure that is not pictures of your local aquarium?:D :D Simply stunning. :cool: Now I don't want to go downstairs ang look at my tank.

nm reef

Active Member
hey nm how hard to I have to twist your arm for a frag of that frog spawn?
You'd have to twist real dang hard...my first frogspawn died after a serious heater malfunction and this one has done great as a replacement...it has grown several new heads since I added it about 9-10 months ago and I've become very attached to it. I don't plan to even consider fragging it any time soon. But since you've asked I'll be sure to let you know if I ever do frag it!;)
Curious as to the bleached coralline - did you switch lighting, change calcium additive type, etc?
Good eye! The bleached coraline is primarily on my Lifereef overflows...a couple of months ago I removed them and cleaned them out(lots of algae growth blocking water flow)...during this process I lost most of the coraline covering them. But it has started to grow back. The back glass has suffered loss of coraline also....that was from the last time I emptied the display and re-arranged everything. Other than that there is not a specific reason for coraline bleaching....you should see the refugium containers....absolutely covered with the stuff. My additive system remains the same...and I'm confident that in time the areas with losses will fully recover.
Very nice reef NM!! I was going to find an empty spot on the rock and kid you about it... but .. I couldn't find one! LOL great job.
Thanks for the compliment....believe me I try to locate a bare spot each time I visit my favorite LFS and see a coral that appeals to me...but sadly there is little room for additions at this time....but there will be a larger display someday. Actually it is very pleasing to see my current corals grow and fill in the area surrounding them...but there are so many corals to consider and so many that I want...and soooooooooo little room!!
Whoohoo Can't wait til ya'll come visit. I see a lot that you could frag for me
Yup...you may need a larger display just to make room!!!!!
wow.. very nice... how about some pictures of the "guts"??
I don't have a picture of the lighting...but it consists of 4x65 watts of CSL 10k PC's & 2x110 watts of URI superactinic VHO's(for now)...the sump is a 29 gal aquarium with home made dividers a Euroreef CS6-2 skimmer and a Magdrive 1200 return pump...the refugium is a series of three 20-25 gal systems that are fed off of the sump and gravity return to the display...below is a shot of the sump ...

nm reef

Active Member
...and here is a decent look at the refugium system. water is pumped to the first stage at about 100GPH...the first stage is primarily a DSB and assorted macro algaes...the second stage is DSB some LR and macro algaes...the final stage is DSB some rubble and very little macros. I plan to slowly add select pieces of LR to the third stage until it has about 40-50 lbs of fully cured figi LR.


Staff member
That frogspawn is awesome! Mine is getting big too, but he stings everyone. Having a hard time finding a place for him where he doesn't cause trouble.
How are you avoiding that problem with the size of yours?

nm reef

Active Member
To date the only neighbor it has damaged has been my alveopora just to the right of it. It has damaged one of the branchs considerably but there is little I can do to prevent it...aside from either fragging the frogspawn or re-locating the alveopora. Neither is a option right now. The other corals near the frogspawn have been un-affected so far...but I do keep a close eye on the situation. For the most part I've found that my aggressive LPS corals tend to not bother 'shrooms/leathers/softies etc...but will inflict serious damage on LPS type neighbors. In time I'm sure I'll absolutely have to provide additional space...but the problems are fairly minimal currently.I'm actually more concerned about the conflict between my bubble and the hammer just below it...they are constantly locking horns...but neither has been damaged so far.:cool: