Pulled the rocks out...and baby mantis shrimp!

Well I have been patient so far with the little pests that came with my rock. But, today I had to pull all the rocks out and get some nasty buggers. This is what lead me to such a drastic action:
About a week ago I had succeded in extracting a mantis from one of the rocks. I then heard a new set of clicks from the tank a couple of days ago.
Two days ago I noticed a big white crab (not hairy) actually pick up one of the bigger blue legged hermits pull it from its shell and munch on it!
I tried a few different traps with no luck. So today I pulled out all the rock and got the big crab along with a few other hairy crabs.
I also got out about 3 baby mantises. I am sure they are mantis shrimps. I couldn't find the big one though, and I just know I am going to hear that clicking again. I pray that the little fellas were responsible for the big clicks I was hearing.
This was a big pain in the arse, and I will never do it again.


okay, that's a little discouraging....i didn't think i'd even have two in my lr, but now i'm sure i'll have a family too :( actually, no sign of any more, and my fish are very happy in their new tank (finally) - i'll just keep on counting them every ten or fifteen minutes until the paranoia goes away! :D


I've spent <b>ALL</b> of today trying to find mine. I took every rock out of my tank (150lbs worth) and dipped them in Soda Water. I had absolutely no luck find him. I'm very disappointed!
Yeah JamesP, it took a good coulple of hours for just 60 pounds of lr. I couldn't imagine 150 pounds. I didn't dip mine in soda water, but I squirted it in the holes with a turkey baster.
I hope you don't have a mantis family. Good luck!


I got the Mantis in the mail last night... and i opened that packaging and noticed a small shrimp that wasnt moving. the rock was very cold but once i put him into his warm home he started kicking he was moving those fans under his tail very rapidly and i was very excited so i left him for the night. This morning however it seems he gave up the fight and died in the night...
Was a beautiful shrimp.... i just want to thank you for being so kind and sending this to me. It was really appreciated... Thank you
Sorry mercedes,
They are long gone. I didn't even know I had them until I looked in the bucket over which I was squirting club soda into the live rock crevices.
They were non mobile at the bottom of the bucket. Almost kind of cute.


aaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! reefsoe, I"M SORRY!! poor thing...well, at least now i don't feel bad that he got to live and i killed the other one just for being ugly. oh sad...