Pulsating Xenia


aw man hope everything doesnt die man. had one of mine do the same thing then soon the hole colonie died. whatever it is it isnt normal. do u dose iodine? maybe ur levels are low. a pic would help to see whats goin on though.


Active Member
First, Welcome to boards!:)
Now, what are your parameters? Xenia can act weird sometimes, perfectly fine one day and the next not so much. Usually if you give it time it will be fine.


New Member
The problem could very well be a good problem. What I mean is pulsing xenia thrives on less than pefect water. They like a little "crap" in the water so if you are sure your parameters are super then that actually could be the problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jgolo
No im new at this all try the iodine. Thank
You most likely don't need to use iodine, never use it unless you test for it, it can easily be overdosed and will kill it. Are your calcium and alkalinity at good levels? When my alk or cal get out of whack my xenia shrivels up like yours is.


Originally Posted by Travis89
You most likely don't need to use iodine, never use it unless you test for it, it can easily be overdosed and will kill it. Are your calcium and alkalinity at good levels? When my alk or cal get out of whack my xenia shrivels up like yours is.
Calcium alkalinity ok


Active Member
Originally Posted by jgolo
No im new at this all try the iodine. Thank
Good heavens, do not dose Iodine. Never dose anything without testing for it. Unless you have acres of xenia growing in your tank routine water changes are providing enough iodine for it.
What is your salinity and how are you testing for it? I've noticed my xenia start looking weak at the first sign of higher than normal salinity.
Xenia is very strange. Some tanks it grows like weeds, others it does not. Let's go over your basic water parameters first before we dose ANYTHING.
How long has your tank been up?
How are you testing for each?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Good heavens, do not dose Iodine. Never dose anything without testing for it. Unless you have acres of xenia growing in your tank routine water changes are providing enough iodine for it.
What is your salinity and how are you testing for it? I've noticed my xenia start looking weak at the first sign of higher than normal salinity.
Xenia is very strange. Some tanks it grows like weeds, others it does not. Let's go over your basic water parameters first before we dose ANYTHING.
How long has your tank been up?
How are you testing for each?
Tank 8 months
96 watt true aetinic 03 bule -96watt 10,000 k 3/4 luner blue moon
Ammonia Nitrite Nirate good
Salintity .022
Tanks for the help im new at this.


Active Member
What type of tester are you using for salinity? Swing arm hydrometers are notorious for not being accurate.
Let's address saliniy first and go from there. Get you salinity (accurately) slowly to 1.025-1.026.
What kind of water are you using?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
What type of tester are you using for salinity? Swing arm hydrometers are notorious for not being accurate.
Let's address saliniy first and go from there. Get you salinity (accurately) slowly to 1.025-1.026.
What kind of water are you using?
Well water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jgolo
No im new at this all try the iodine. Thank
Iodine isn't the cure, and alot of people are misled into believing it will get them pulsing again!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
You should probably start using RO water instead of well water because well water can have a lot of things in it that can be bad in a reef like metal, phophate,etc. Is it possible to have your LFS test your waters salinity, they will (or should at least) use a refractometer and they are quite a bit more accurate, you should probably invest in one of these as also.


Active Member
from my personal experience i would say that xenia thrives in less than perfect water conditions...i have very very slight trates and i can't stop the stuff from growing...also it likes high flow and strong light...hope that helps a little


Active Member
Originally Posted by jgolo
Well water.
both of these could be issues. Your hydrometer may not be reading salinity accurately (if it's a swing arm type) and your well water could have been slowly adding a toxin to your tank.


Active Member
excellent point you may want to thing about getting a refractometer....and also doing some more in depth water tests.....


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
both of these could be issues. Your hydrometer may not be reading salinity accurately (if it's a swing arm type) and your well water could have been slowly adding a toxin to your tank.
If i add filter system can i use the well water?


Active Member
Drip kalk at night to maintain slightly elevated PH (8.4) and alk levels.
I can literally turn my Xenia's and cyano growth for that matter, on and off doing this.
The anecdotal evidence for this is overwhelming where my system is concerned. Over the past couple years the system has been up I have discontinued nightly kalk drips on three occasions and like clock work a week later my xenis go "puny" on me and cyano begins to grow.
Other tank inhabitants seem unaffected by these slightly elevated levels. Needles to say setting up a nightly kalk drip is a chore that no longer gets neglected.
But then again that's just me. I am sure someone will think I am completely wrong. Such is the nature of the hobby.