pulsating xenia


New Member
I have the opportunity to get a pulsating xenia and can't seem to find any info about them, I was woundering if any one has one?
I also purchased a modern coral, don't know alot about them either, seems to be doing good in my tank I even see him eat at night, I was told that it was a type of brain? anyone???????


i have like 50 groups of pulsing xenia. ya want some?? it grows so fast. it's cool but i am giving it awya to anyone who has a tank. jesus if i could figure out a way to kill just some of it . . . . . . . .
seriously though if you want some email me.


VON I would really appreciate some of that Xenia!!!! I have tried to purchase some before but have never had the chance to finally attain it due to the limited quantity. I live in miami florida and my reef tank has been established for 4 years. You can email me at Vincelago@yahoo.com


New Member
that sounds great, I will pay for shipping and handling but will you be able to get it to me in texas?

slk's reef

Hey Von,
I will take some. i have a few stalks in my tank that are growing good ;) what is your email address and we can talk about it.
BTW xenia is a very nice coral and it might need your water to be in stable conditions and it should be in pretty good lights.If your water and lights are good xenia will grow crazy.and modern coral is a hard coral and they are pretty harty


Id like some xenia! but I live in Arizona <img src="graemlins//confused2.gif" border="0" alt="[confused2]" /> My xenia is doing well . I hope to raise it to sell to my lfs . It will difray the cost of this hobby hopefully <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />


Hi Von,
If you still have any left that you want to get rid of please email me.


What eats Xenia? I obtained some about a month ago from a friend and it was doing great, then all of a sudden, it looks like something ate 75% of the branches...


Active Member
My enias are a little odd. I have the waving hand or elongata. I can put current on the and there arms will get anywhere from 4 to 6in long. But if I take the current off they shrivel up to abou 1 to 2in and pulse extremely fast??? They have really began spreading since I got this new tank set up. I went from having one stalk about 1/4in around and 8 hands to 6 stalks and a whole bunch of hands in 2 months!!! I'v just moved a new piece of rock under them 3 days ago and they have already grabbed the rock and began moving to it!!!


So are you telling me they like a lot of current and very high lighting? I've got 1 stalk with about 30 arms on it... it only gets low - medium current.... I'm so afraid it's going to be ripped up by the stronger current but if that's what they like.. i'll do it right now...


Active Member
taku, if you have the xenias elongata then they love current. I'll post a pic but guys you have to be nice. I still have not been able to get these pics any smaller. My xenias stay under this much current 24/7 now.