pulsing xenia dieing?


New Member
today i received my pulsing xenia frag from here and while opening the bag to begin acclimation i smellled a sort of rotting smell... after acclimation and adding it to my tank i noticed the xenia was sagging and a dark brown color. if i give it time will it eventually perk up?

small triggers

Active Member
::shakes magic 8 ball:: The outcome does not look so good
If it smelled bad when acclimating why would you put it in your tank? i would have called the number they give you and ask that question, but i would never put anything in a tank that smells fowled...


Well-Known Member

Do you have a picture? Xenia is pretty tough, sagging is normal, but brown does not sound good.


Originally Posted by Jmiranda91
today i received my pulsing xenia frag from here and while opening the bag to begin acclimation i smellled a sort of rotting smell... after acclimation and adding it to my tank i noticed the xenia was sagging and a dark brown color. if i give it time will it eventually perk up?
Xenia STINK!!! Dosnt matter if healthy our not!
Pics would help


Active Member
Xenia can recover from many things. Xenia is a tough coral so I wouldn't worry if it is sagging a little bit. The rotting odor is a little alarming however. Is it falling apart at all?


I got mine about a week ago and it turned purple and wilted all the first day and that night. I got on here and flower assured me that it was probably Ok becuase they are somewhat hard to kill. She was right. mine shrivles up to nothing every night after an hour with no light and then about an hour after the light is turned on in the morning its right back fully streched out again. Mine still havnt started pulsing like they did in the fish store, but I think my parameters are still a bit wacky for it to be totally in its element. I dodnt know about the smell, but unless it has melted away Im gonna go with Flowers advice and say its probably fine.


New Member
yup now its falling apart one of the frags fell off the rock. i tried taking pictures they came out really bad.


Active Member
when i got my xenia from here years ago, it arrived in very bad shape. now it is all over my two tanks. any small tissue can grow into a xenia. xenia is known for not shipping well.


Well-Known Member

nycbob is correct...Take what you can of the xenia and use a rubberband to attatch it to a rock...in any way, as long as something is on the rock. Set it high in the tank near the lights...the "tissue" will regrow xenia.


Originally Posted by Jmiranda91
k thanks a lot everyone, ill try and see how things work =]
What you have described doesn't seem that bad to me. Just get the frags attached and let it be. That's the best advice I've received for xenia. I've had colonies turn white/brown that I thought for sure were dying. Couple days later looked normal. Give it a few days.


I don't know how many times you've handled xenia but I think it smells pretty rotten too. Also, I dont know if they frag it right before they send it to you, but if so it could look like a little brown blob. Mine always looks that way after I frag it and handle it for a couple minutes.
I agree with everyone - get it secured to something and I bet it makes a full recovery.


xenia is real tolerant, stinks even when healthy in air. I have a piece that attached behind my rock with almost no light and it is still living for 6 months. hasn't grown though. just give it a little time to attach.