Pulsing xenia dying??

I bought this pulsing xenia coral frag yesterday,2/15 and acclimated it slowly.This morning I noticed a hole and moved it to an area of low flow....The hole is huge now and has yellow stuff coming out of it??!! Is it dying?? Throw it out?? Tank params are - 0 amm , 0 trites , 30 trates [ seahorse tank , always trates] ph 8.2 temp 74-75, ph is 500gph in a 60g hex....bad pic , but best I could do ~Please note , I posted this under coral thread too



Active Member
I have never seen anything like that.
well, if it looks like it is dying, you could cut the stem off, and frag it to another rock. If the base doesn't die it will spring up a new one.
Do I just cut above the hole , hold it under a bucket of saltwater and superglue it to rock rubble? Never fragged before....I only have colts [ I like them big
] no pun intended , and mushrooms which frag themselves


Active Member
Cut above the hole, then you will follow one of several methods. I prefer to stick a toothpick through the stem and then use a rubberband to attach the toothpick to the rock. Others use netting.
There are instructions in the "Fragging Techniques" forum/pages. Its really easy to do.
Pics from 2 min ago....Looks like its fragging itself....Almost The entire heads are off....the weird thing is it's still pulsing !!! I turned the ph off just to be sure, yep , it's pulsing !! weirdest thing

It kinda fragged itself....I put the base under the highest light and epoxyed the actual xenia in a crevice in my rocks....still pulsing !!



Active Member
xenia is similar to shrooms. even a little tissue left will grow into a new xenia branch. it does look like something bit or fell on it. they r very very tough. give it time.
do u have any shrimp in ur tank? mine also did the same weird stuff they seem to want to move and spread alot, but i had a camel shrimp that picked on coral and ate them... i removed him today i caught him finally.. what r ur parameters calcium can mess them up too, too much of it that is... whats weird is i had like a lil dead piece of them left and now they became xenias so i do have some left just a small tiny colony