pulsing xenia dying???


I bought a piece of lr today from the LFS covered with a bunch little pulsing xenia. I got it home put it in the tank and now many of them have turned white. Are they dead? Do I need to remove them?


I recently put some in my tank and they were damaged at the pet store when the guy put them in the bag.They were all drooped over and not pulsing at all.For about a week I thought all was lost.I came home from work one night and they were up and pulsing.I have had them for a month now and they grow like weeds!Good luck!


I appreciate the help! I got up this morning and to my surprise the little xenias look much better. I guess I just need to be a little more patient and giive them a chance. Thanks guys


Active Member
Glad to hear that they are doing better! You might also want to keep your alk up in the 8-12 dKH range and maybe add some iodine. HTH


they have to be very hardy. I had put a beautiful piece in my 72 bow front only to have a lemon damsel eat it. I thought for sure it was a gonner. There was nothing left of any of the tenticles. I have since gotten rid of the damsel and the xenia came back beautifu and bigger than before.:cool: ;)