pulsing? xenia


I've got some "waving hands xenia" and my roomate has some pulsing xenia. I use iodine and mine pulses at certain times but his "pulsing xenia" doesn't seem to pulse as often. I guess I'm wondering if there truly is a pulsing xenia or if all xenia will pulse given the right conditions.


It depends on the current and conditions. The colony of pulsing xenias that I have didn't pulse at first when it was in the 180g tank. Now it pulses all the time in my 54g corner with less current. I believe they stand up more with more current. At least mine did.


I am not sure about this, but I have been told that pulsing xenia only pulse because they are not getting adequate waterflow. If given adequate waterflow they will not pulse and are actually happier.
I have pulsing xenia that pulsed like made. Then the took it upon them selfs to slowly move in front of a powerhead where they do not pulse, but have spread like mad.


I think certain xenia like and do different things...I have a long waving hands xenia and it likes lower current otherwise it gets whipped all around...it pulses irregularly but it grows like a weed...and now occupies the better half of my 29g....its pulsing seems much slower and eligant...it has a large trunk and long arms...
I have seen other xenia that have short arms and small trunks that pulse like mad...much unlike the long arm waving hands xenia...
I have never added iodine or anything like that...just Kent A & B and DT's phyto...
Those are the only 2 types of xenia I have ever seen...


Active Member
A couple things when xenia is put in strong current it stretches, when in low current it pulses, also some people believe that xenia also pulses to catch food such as phyto- plankton.


My LFS has some pulsing x. in her 10 gallon tank and it pulses all the time. Not sure why tho. I will ash her to see what she does


Well personally I don't think inadequate waterflow causes them to pulse. Mine gets strong current from a sweeping powerhead, and it stretches out really long, but until I started adding iodine and kent chromoplex it never pulsed.


I have to agree that inadiquate water flow is not the issue. My FIji Pom-Pom sit's right under one of my power heads and it puilses like crazy.


Active Member
Xenia tends to pulse mostly (yes to get food but also) for oxygen / gas exchange. Not all types of xenia pulse either. And iodine I have read is a short term solution that may also screw up the rest of the tank if not used sparingly. Xenia requires bright light and good water flow. But, it doesn't appreciate direct or too much current. There are many different types of xenia or xenia related species which look strikingly familiar. Waving hand, pom pom, white, etc. And not all pulse. Although it spreads like wildfire, xenia is a bad shipper. ANd is prone to crashing. But if you get a good specimen you are rockin. Just don't force it to pulse. :cool: