Pulsing Xenia??


Active Member
What are the requirments for pulsing xenia?I wanted to get one but not before I research them for a while just wanted to try here for some advice before I hit the books and search engines :p Does anyone have any pics of them?I also wanted to know if they be okay in 5.5-5.7 watts per gallon?
Please Help,
P.S. Does Anyone Know Any Of The Requirments For The Pink Brains Any Would Be Helpful


New Member
I have 4 watts per gal and it grows like weeds, just need to keep adding iodine everyday and high PH.


Active Member
iodine every day you should be careful you can poison a tank with iodine how much do you put in every day in that wattage the xenia should be fine i have one they seem to be hardy imo it was the first coral i ever got not the specimen i have know but the first one did vary well i keep mine under good flow and about halfway up the tANK AND SPOT FEED PHYTO-PLANKTON EVERY couple days i have had the piece for about a year seems to do well doesnt seem to require a lot of care and it is one of my favorite corals although you do have to be careful they can grow like weeds if you provide the proper atmosphere


Active Member
thanks guys I really like them too.How do you spot feed them do you turn off all your pumps and filters?Do you use a turkey blaster?I add essentials elements every other day because I skim for about 6 hours every night and my essential elements has calcium iron and iodine for my mushrooms toadstool and colt coral.


Active Member
Here is mine in my 20 gallon under 4x32PC bulbs, medium flow and bimonthly 20% waterchanges- 1Xmonth feeding of filter feeding food- Mine is a POM POM xenis and dosent grow out of control like the common brown xenia can


Active Member
j21 I love your xenia!!!!!:D I like the brown pulsing one though but I love the pom pom too I might get both eventually.
Banshee do you frag your alot?How big is your tank banshee?


Active Member

Originally posted by jor8888
I have 4 watts per gal and it grows like weeds, just need to keep adding iodine everyday and high PH.

I have to disagree on that. Adding iodine everyday:eek: Why??? Do you test for it? Do you know what can happen if overdosed?
logan15, i have Xenia, very nice spreading one, which i grow for sale in my LFS. Every 2 month i have nice big frags ready for trade. I DO NOT add any stuff, especially iodine. Ones acclimated, it will grow well. Moderate flow, bright light and overall good water conditions will do the job for xenia. One thing is bad about it. It ships bad. So when choosing one look closely for expanded and pulsing polyps.


Active Member
I dont want to buy one online.My fish guys has a 120 gallon reef tank with 2 400 watt MH and 2 96 watt Pc's on it and he's always got nice corals in there I saw a pulsing xenia today and they were pulsing at a pretty fast rate.I have read that they pulse at diff rates depending on the water quality is this true? the worst the water the slower pumping, the higher quality water the faster they will pulse?


Active Member
There are many suggestions about why xenia pulsing. I'm not sure that there is 100% right answer why. Still no.....
I've bought my xenia from some guy. In his established tank xenia was stop pulsing ant nights. The same xenia in my tank pulses faster and even at nights. IMO it also depends on certain type of Xenia. Some pulse faster than other.

bang guy

Adding Iodine is a personal choice. There's evidence on both sides of that fence.
However, there is plenty of evidence that Xenia have absolutely no use for Iodine. I have never dosed Iodine other than in fish food and water changes.
Here's mine:


logan: I've only fragged it once....it started to spread onto a smaller rock and I moved the rock to a lower part of the tank. The xenia in the picture is near the top. It pulses more and is shorter. The xenia near the bottom of the tank is more stretched and doesn't pulse as much. Both are starting to really spread. :)


I added some pulsing exania about 3 weeks ago it took awhile for it to come alive. when I got it it was 2 stalks on a small rock the smaller of the 2 stalks started walking on the rock leave a trail of tissue behind it ( no joke) 2 days later there are many stalks coming up along the trail that it left. its under 220 PC and I dont add anything to the tank and its doing better than I expected.
BTW the 2 stalks in the picture where the same sixe as the one in the back walked it shrank in size.


all this talk about xenia makes me want one. Anyone selling any Frags


mine isnt big enough yet for fraggin but if it continues to grow like it has in a month or less I will.
I had a great experience with a little frag... It grew and spread... But then this one time I did a water change and added too much ph bufffer, and I didnt know that lowered my calcium.... I thought everything was fine... Then.... I noticed they started to die, and by the time I noticed my cal. was low, it was too late... I ran to the lfs and bought turbo cal. by Kent and raised it up.... but I still lost them....:( so u see is the little things that make big changes....
Any ways I noticed that while I had them the strong current makes them strech and long and makes them stop pulsating. They seem to appreeciate slower currents and iodine but not every day you gonna over dose buddy :D