Pulsing Xenia


Active Member
Aren't these guys filter-feeders? Do they need a lot of light? Would 65w pc on a 20g keep one happy and healthy? Anything else I should know? I'm going to start adding some corals this week (tank been up since late Dec. with just lr and ls) and am making a 'short list' so to speak. Thanks. Bo


I believe they are filterfeeder but also get food from strong lights. Just my experience, I've got 120watts on a 55gallon tank and my xenias are not doing that well. I will probably trade them back to my lfs next time I am there. You seem to have a bit more watt/gal than I though. You may also want to start off with mushrooms, colts, and button polyps. All of which are doing well in my tank.

nm reef

Active Member
Bo...its my impression that xenia does best with a bit above moderate lighting. They just seem to like the light ... not sure about them being "filter feeders". I don't diirect feed mine but I do dose DT's on a regular basis.I believe they survive primarily by nutrient uptake from the water column and photosynthesis.
I'd think you'd be able to keep a healthy colony in your system...go for it. Maybe place the addition near the top in a decent but not direct current and let 'em grow. If the conditions are good and the xenia is healthy they may grow quick for you. Best of luck.


I keep mine under 220 pc in a 50 gallon and all is well it is close to the top of the tank. I also add DT's to the tank.I got mine a few weeks ago and they have already started throwing out new colonies soon after adding them to the tank.


Active Member
Thanks for all the responses guys! This reef thing is very much a learning process for me. Other corals I'm considering are various shrooms, zoos, polyps, leathers (ok in my system?), candycanes, and a few others. Bo


this is what I have in my tank with the 220 pc
mutiple colonies of zoanthid ploypls
yellow colonial polyps
BTA anemone
Pink and green star polyps
another unknown SPS
pulsing exenia
cabbage leather
finger leather
colt frags now ( was a huge colt that got an infection of some kind)
hairy mushrooms brown and green
Blue mushrroms
bubble coral
chilli coral
and flower anemone
all is thriving in my tank granted some things need to be higher depending on its need for light.
I have 2 different types of xenia in my tank.If they don't like the location you put them in they WILL move to a better location.I thought my shrimp had ate one of the small frags that I had,but it had went under a rock,well now it has moved to the top of the rock.I believe they do feed from the water column,I have also read where they like the water a little "dirty",some people use them for nutrient export.Mine have been flourishing under 110 watts of pc lighting on a 30 gallon tank.(Soon to be a 110 gallon:D ) I also add DT's.


Active Member
Grouperhead, bright light and moderate current will be the best. No direct feeding is required as well as extra iodine (as written in some books) as long as you doing regular water changes.
I wish i could send you some of mine;)


1 have 220 pc's and 1 175w mh, and they seem to really act different when the halide is on or off.


Active Member
I had my Xenia's under fairly low lighting for a while and they didn't grow at all. After putting them under the VHOs they went from this


Active Member
Great pics ReefNut! I might try them, I might not. I have one rock that is pretty close to the surface, and I might try them on there. Only time will tell....Bo