Pump for Aquarium


I just need some input on which pump would get the job done. If you prefer one over the other, tell me why so I can make a better choice. If one does the same job just as well as the other and ones cheaper, please tell (though I won't be a penny pincher if I don't need to be). I have read about and heard about Mag Drives, Rio Aquas, Eheim pumps, and ViAquas. I made a drawing (yeah) to illustrait what I plan on doing. Its all part of just plugging a 20g frag tank refugium into my DT.
Below the picture is the other picture I made (yeah again) to illustrait how I was going to do it all


First, I would suggest that you rework your design. You should definately put some baffles in there. As far as a return pump.. we need the size of your dt and what kind of setup (i'm assuming reef). Additionally, any powerheads you will be using in the dt.


The tall green ones mine

I plan on having 2 korila 1s for circulation, my Dts 30g and the pump doesent need to act as a 3 powerhead.
Reef setup, 30dt and 20g breederrefugium