Pump help please!!


New Member
Im starting up a 200 gallon aquarium(dual overflows) and a 75 gallon sump. My question is what size return pump should I be shooting for? The sump is in the stand so the water doesn't have to travel very far.


Well-Known Member
200g tank at a 7X turnover rate is approximately 1400gph at zero foot of head. To compensate you need to know your head height. Which i can guess is about 4-5 foot. To be right at where you might want to be a mag drive 18 would be a good choice. But, for redundancy, running dual mag drive 9's may be better just in case one fails.
I like mags because they are dependable pumps.


New Member
Ok awesome I was about to order the mag 12 I'm glad I asked for more input before . I think I'll do with dual mag 9's. thanks snake


Active Member
Don't mean to be a "Debbie Downer".....First how is the sump designed....7x turnover.....3x-5x turnover rate through the sump....The big question is can the sump design handle the proposed 7x turnover rate........