Pump not working!!!!


New Member
My bf turned off my nano cube to do a water change and now the pump wont turn back on its not filtering the water or taking any in at all. I put a small power head in for now to keep the water moving but does any1 have an idea what could be wrong? My lights and everything else is working i tried re setting the power strip and plugging in into the wall but still nothing... Thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BeachBum1614
My bf turned off my nano cube to do a water change and now the pump wont turn back on its not filtering the water or taking any in at all. I put a small power head in for now to keep the water moving but does any1 have an idea what could be wrong? My lights and everything else is working i tried re setting the power strip and plugging in into the wall but still nothing... Thanks.
There might be crap or something else preventing the motor from spinning inside the pump. Take the pump out and see if you can clean out the fan inside it. You can try rinsing it too. Ive had the exact same thing happen to me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BeachBum1614
alright thank you ill try that i was just a little worried about taking it apart
NP. Im not sure what pump you have, I have a maxijet 1200, i just took the tubing off and i was able to see the fan motor inside. I rinsed it out really well. You can also try using a q-tip to clean the gunk out. Good luck, hopefully that will fix it.


Active Member
Maxijets you can usually get running, every other brand, not so much.
I've had several PH just quit running, usually like you said, when they were off for a WC or maintenance.
The gunk builds up enough that once its running, it will run, but its difficult to get running again.
How old is the PH, and what brand?


Active Member
Yeah, that's about how long the stock pump in my 12g DX lasted.
I replaced it with a Maxijet 600.
If you have a 24, I'd put in a Maxijet 900 or even 1200.
The only mod I made for the increased flow was to cut out 4 of the slits so that more water could flow into Chamber 1, since those slits kept getting clogged with algae.


Active Member
if its a maxi jet, the impeller is prob dirty. you can take the impeller out and clean it. It magnatized so it just pull it out and pop back in. but most small pumps have one and can be taken apart for cleaning.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
if its a maxi jet, the impeller is prob dirty. you can take the impeller out and clean it. It magnatized so it just pull it out and pop back in. but most small pumps have one and can be taken apart for cleaning.
Its not. The stock pump on the nanocubes isn't a name brand, and has a metal shaft that corrodes quickly. That's what locked up and ended the life of mine, as well as my buddy's.