pump, overflow, sump (need some help)


Active Member
Does any water at all drain back to the sump when both pumps are running? Or at least one pump.
Sounds like your sump is not large enough to hole enough water for both pump to fill the DT and have enough water left in it to cover the pumps as it has to wait for it to drain back. How many gallons does the sump hold when full ?
Are you sure the overflow is for 1400 gph ?


Active Member
hey guys thanks for all the help.
the bottom line is liek dog said, my sump isnt large enough to hold the amount of water needed to feed both pumps. I have two options get my 55 gallon tanka nd make a sump,,, orrr make it intoa cloose loop... So im at that point in the road but my wet/dry now does such an amazing job with my filtration i really dont want to change a good thign so now im lookign for cloose loop ideas with this pump