pump turn over question


on my 125 i have a mag 12 for the return and i am running it wide open with a T and one line with 4-5 ft to the tank and the other with 7-8 ft to the other end of the tank is this enof turnover for the tank or should i go to a bigger pump for intank movement i have to (2) 402 and (3) 802 power heads the sump is show below


Hmmmm (remember just my opinion) I'm going to say you are way "undercirculated" in your display tank. You've got all your circulation going on in the sump area with all those powerheads and very little return turn over in the display tank. What's the height difference between the pump and the display tank returns, the height is much more important than the length of the run. The primary reason for the circulation in the first place is to elminate "dead spots" in the tank and having all your circulation taking place in the sump is not addressing this issue at all. From what I've read on the forums, most people are shooting for a circulation of 10-20 times the tank volumn. That would mean you'ld need to circulate between 1,250 and 2,500 GPH in the display tank. While the Mag-12 is rated close to the lower end of that range, it's rated that at 0 head feet, guessing you're probably getting closer to 7-800 GPH max right now. Personally I'd increase the main return pump *and* move at least 3 of those powerheads up to the display tank.
Obviously, there are no answer's to this carved in stone, but that's my opinion anyway.


Active Member
Same setup I have (125 with mag 12 for return, even the nautilus TE:) )
What are you keeping in the tank? Reef, FO? How is your rockwork? Did you mean you have those powerheads available to use if you need? I didn't see them in your sump so I think that's what you mean.
The main thing you want to do is eliminate dead spots and ensure a brisk circulation through the tank. The turn over rule is a good one but as MelboureFL said, it's not carved in stone.
My tank is wide open with just a few LR in the middle. This allows me to have great circulation without extra powerheads and only the mag12 return at 4' head. Charts say that's about 1100gph, about 10x turnover. But I'm keeping an eye out for dead spots and will add powerheads to help if needed.


Hey there Jump, good point, I hadn't studied the sump picture to be honest and I probably mis-read what was said :eek: If he has those powerheads in the display tank then I take back everything I said above LOL
Good Catch,


thanks the power heads are in the "display" tank i figure i am getting 700-750 gph from the sump back to the tank i didn't know i need more or not i'll show a tank pic later when i take it tonight. oh and that is a Amiracle MR-400 sump


Active Member
I'm guessing you have two external overflows, or two drilled overflows ?
Depending on what they are rated for ~ how much waterflow they can handle ~ you may want to consider adding another pump.
Eliminate the Tee
Run the Mag12 to one end of display tank ( spraybar )
Add another return pump to sump running to other end of display tank ( pump selection TBD on overflow capacity )
This would allow you to get rid of the Tee fitting, give you two pumps in the sump, and increase your turnover through the tank and through your sump/filtration.
If one pump goes "belly-up" you're still up and running until you can replace it. Nice back up insurance to have on a large tank.
If you select the additional pump, and it's pumping too much water for your overflow(s) to handle - oops - might get wet floor.
Other negative - having two pumps may add some additional heat to the water.
Just an idea ;)


Boomer, who makes your dual overflow on your setup just wondering i was thinking of putting something like that in the center of the tank and adding another MR-400 sump like pictured with another model 12 pump and another skimmer run each drilled overflow two a differnt sump and each center to a differnet sump or would that be over kill....


also the reason I'm asking this is because in this one tank the water is not the clearest my other tanks are crystal clear so i know its not the water, in the morning it is somewhat cloudy by lunch time it is cloudier and then at night it is somewhat clear. and then starts over again , there is no direct sun on the tank.