Pumps for in AND out from the sump


I'm probably missing something here but ... if you use a pump to take water from the tank to the sump and a pump to take water from the sump to the tank, aren't you going to eventually have a problem because you won't be able to sink the pumps to pump the exact same amount of water? Just seems really messy to me. What am I missing? Thanks for your time.


Active Member
You just use (1) pump in your sump.
It pumps water back up to your tank, then you have an OVERFLOW ( either built in to the tank or and external one ) that allows the water to fall back down into the sump through a hose or piping.
No need for 2 pumps or trying to sync the rates.
As long as the overflow can handle more flowrate than the pump can produce, you will be fine.


Ok, how does a overhang overflow work ... it has to bring the water up over the edge of the aquarium right? How does it do that without a pump?