puny carpet anemone


Hey again guys, I've had my carpet anemone for two days now, and at first it was big and full, but now it looks rather puny and more like a ball than a carpet and has let go of its rock and is just sitting in the sand. there are no guts to speak of, and it is still very bright green with the actinics. Is he just not happy in that spot and rearing to move, or is he maybe dying. His color looks great, but he's just kind of a ball and his mouth parts look a little swollen inside.
This is my first anemone and I do not know very much about him.
green carpet anemone
29 gallon,
92 watts PC
N's at 0
ph 8.3
temp 79
calc 450
dhk 11
lights are on 8 hours/day


Active Member
How long has your tank been setup?
I'd hate to say it, but you don't have sufficient lighting for a carpet anemone. It will starve to death after a few weeks/months.


tank has been set up and going strong for 7 months, no perameter fluctuations in about four months.
I'm about to upgrade lighting, as I just recieved a lofty christmas bonus!
now I'm at 3-4 watts per gallon with my 92 w pc and my extra 15 w actinic.
What kind of lighting would you guys suggest for under 300 on a 29 gallon?
He keeps going back and forth every couple of days from looking huge and healthy and fully stuck to his rock to being puny and shrivelled up and letting go of his grip.
Maybe he's like digesting or something.
Anyway, if anyone has any idea, please let me know, he was pretty expensive!

bang guy

What species? Most Carpet Anemone can't survive long in a 29 even if you use the Sun to light the tank.


Aww weak...
I wonder if I could sell him back for credit...
that just sucks.
I am going to upgrade to a 55 when I move in a month, do you think he could handle it that long?


Active Member
Maybe, but the water would be unstable in the new 55 gallon, and there's still the issue with the lighting.