Purchase of Live Rock on Line


Help......Can any one give me a reliable place on line to purcase live rock on line.. Iam looking for Fiji,and Tonga Live Rock. My LFS is robbing me blind...The LFS in my area is charging 7.99 & 4.99 respectively for the live rock...

david s

best thing to do is do a search for live rock its near my profile up top and look at what people say about there shipments and make your own decicion


4.99 / lbl of Fiji is not bad
7.99 / lbl for Tonga is not bad for a LFS
but you can get it a little cheaper online


4.99 for tonga is pretty good talk to your lfs and ask if you can have them order you a box and you pay for it through them they usually work something out. Throw some BS there way say you would rather know that you are helping out a local person than someone on the web. They like that idea. Good luck


Animal kingdom in Staten island on richmond ave and amboy road got some really nice figi rock for $5.00 lb. .Thats where i get mine and i get to pick it out . mail order might send S#$T ,and you cant return it..

rabid frog

Active Member
Hey I just got my live rock from this site and it is awesome. 200 dollars for 50 lbs, all the rock has purple and green coral line on it. Cant wait to see what comes out to play


Staff member
The rock from this site is awesome. Make sure you feed your rock, rabit, then you really will see it come to life!

indy mike

I just bought 160lbs of un-cured figi live rock from ***************.com at 2.59 per pound. There is lots of life on it and I am very happy. My tank is new so I am using the un-cured to put it through the cycle. Good Luck ;)

rabid frog

Active Member
I am curious to what I should feed my live rock... right now I am dosin it with araga milk which is liquid aragonite, coral vital, and kent superbuffer dkh is that enough and should i leave my lights on all day or not. I have a smart light half blue attanic and half flouresent. Its has 2 96 watt it puts out 10,000k daylight and 10,000k blue atanic.. hope it is enough.


I would recommend Tampa Bay live rock, they have great stuff, I have'nt heard of a bad order yet? They deliver when promised, reasonably priced, and the best part is that there rock is full of life. You always seem to get a few good hidden surprises when you get a shipment.....Good Luck!


I was at a LFS in Stuart, Florida over the weekend, and they had some truly awesome moli rock. This rock is dark color, vertical rock,and very light weight. The LFS guy recommends using tonga branch as a base to lift the moli off the bottom. Does anyone know where to order this stuff online??