Purchased Frag tank need help with lighting


Active Member
Hi All It looks like I am all in now.....

I bought a 48X48X20 frag tank and should be delivered in the next 2 weeks. I need to get some lights and my LFS is going to hook me up with 2 48" Current Outer Orbit 150 HQI with Actinics. I currently use a Coralife 72" Aqua Light Pro and have not had any issues. Think it is work to go with Current?????
Anyone use this setup and want to comment?
Thanks for your help.


Active Member
imo the best thing to do for that tank is to get a luminarc reflector w/250 watt mh.. unline most reflectors.. the full size luminarc reflector spreads the light to cover 3'x3' with great intensity ( not spread out and dim.. ) so that means w/one bulb and reflector.. you are good to go.. of course.. if you wanted more, you can certainly do so by adding more lights.. maybe 4 4' t5ho ( i would be blue+ bulbs )


Active Member
hummm any have opinions on the Lumineric reflectors?
Are they one piece or do you have to make them? Meaning you buy the reflector and then add the bulds?
I am not very good at making these types of things.
Thaks for the reply. Definatley sounds like this is hte way to go.


Active Member
they are prefab reflectors.. the luminmax reflectors are just about as good.. but as far as i know of.. the luminarc has better coverage.. they are giant reflectors but are the best!!! they are like 18''x18'' by 8'' or something like that... i dont know exactly where to find them ( they where originaly made for hydroponics by "diamond" somthing or another.. ) maybe look into the lumin max... they are made for saltwater aquarium and should be easier to find.. these reflectors cost a good bit but worth it imo ( like $100+... but if you think about how much they cover and the intensity they return using one bulb vs 2 ... you will agree)