Purchased LR and it had some critters???


I just purchased 80 lbs of live rock from my LFS. All but one small piece of rock came straight out of a box from the airport. the rock was all still wet and fresh with living plants. One piece of the rock came from the LFS reef display tank. Anyway...I put the rock in and set it all up and I am letting it cycle. I woke up this morning and there was 2 snails on top of one of the rocks. One was all black with a normal shell that appears to small for his body and the other is kind of a redish purple and has a spiral shell. Are these ok for my tank or should i get rid of them? I also found a living worm that got into the overflow box from the tank. This tank has never had anything in it besides live sand for a week and now live rock for about 48 hours.


Halo...I dont see that thread? can you direct me? as for pics..the things are small. I mean at most they are the size of a pinky finger nail on your hand. Plus my water seems to be a little cloudy at the moment. it was VERY clear until I put in the LR 2 days ago...every since its been real cloudy. hopefully that will go away soon.


Thanks guys and gals...looks like one of my hitchikers is a Whelk snail...I guess those are not the best thing to have in the tank...I better find him and get him out asap. The other snail I have is a cap snail, i guess those are ok to have in there.


That's great you got some free critters. I plan to order some more liverock when I get back from my honeymoon in a few weeks from a place down in florida-supposed to be full of life. i.e. critters and such


It's good to make friends at the lfs, atleast was for me, there are a couple girls that work that that let me take like 20lb out of the display tank completely covered in coraline. I got a ton of little hitchhikers, about 10 tubeworms (that i've seen so far) i've count atleast 10 bristle stars, a crab (i have no idea what he is, he pretty much stays in his hole and sticks a claw out, grabs food and that's about it, so no biggie so far), a couple baby snails, a few small corals, some turnicates, and some small worm things. Probably more that i can't remember.