Purchasing Copepods


I don't know if it's allowable to ask this.. but here goes (I think it is, I think it's just the link that isn't allowed)
Can anyone tell me where to purchase copepods? All I have found so far is sites that sell them for $75.00. Seriously? They are that expensive? Holy Moly!
I really need to buy some... but at that price, I won't be able to do a steady supply like my Mandarin (purchased by my dh because he didnt' realize what he was getting- and we figured after he got them we would purchase Copepods..) needs to be healthy
Any ideas?
We may just have to get rid of him.


Active Member
$75 for 2000 adult copepods is a tremendous deal.
When I had my mandarin, I was buying them at $8 for 100.
As you can see, the $75 is the better deal.
If you are serious about keeping the mandarin, shilling out the $75 is probably going to be neccesary. Do you have a refugium to culture copepods once you get a shipment of them?


I use reed mariculture and ocean pods. Hope that is ok I don't see any pods on SF so maybe we can post the names?


i dont get how mandarins are so complicated......Ive had one in a 24gal for...... 8 months or so... he eats mysis, sinking pellets, and I assume he also eats pods cause he picks at something on my liverock which i cannot see. (i know for sure my tank still has pods... and plenty.. specially big ones).
As for buying pods online, check with others for a good source. I dont remember where i got mine but I got a bag with dirty looking water and 3 or so more or less big amphipods. Really not worth it.
What did work for me was collecting seaweed at the beach, putting it in a little container with salt water and messin with it till pods come out (you'll get mostly amphipods and isopods this way IMO.. at least from what i couuld see) and then taking those and dumpin em in your tank. Maybe this isnt a very good idea considering how you could wind up with something unwanted but it worked for me and Ive only done this once. But if you have anyone living close to a beach just haveem collect bunches of seaweed from the rocks and stuff, stick it in a jar and mail it to you...... IMO


I have too many pods.. (thanks to my kids over feeding the tank to impress friends) You are welcome to them for the cost of shipping.. As I can see them swarming in the larger rock crevices I would think I could siphon them out with airline tubing fairly easily..
If any one can tell me the best way to harvest & ship them would be..
Let me know... Birdmom


If you have a sump you can dump them in there where they are protected from predators. If not then you can culture them in small tanks or containers. You should only have to purchase them once if culturing.