Pure Caribbean Aragonite vs Caribsea Aragamax Select


New Member
I need some help deciding between these two types of substrates and was looking for some options from people that use either of these.
I have not seen the Pure Caribbean Aragonite but was told by a store on the phone that it is very white which is what I like but he said they are going to stop carrying it because noone likes it. He said it clouds up the tank when puffers and triggers disturb the bottom but I was not planning on having any of those fish so I might be fine. This sand says it's sugar sized 0.18-1.2mm size grains.
Caribsea Aragmax Select I can buy in a LFS and will cost about the same but looked to me to be more of a tan color sand. This sand says it's oolitic and is 0.5-1.02mm grains.
I could go either way on the sand and was wondering if anyone has any experience with either and could give me any ideas on what might be best?
Oh yea, I have found Southdown on the web but with shipping I will be paying about the same as the others.


Hi Pursuit
I just went through the entire thing. From cc to ls. Did a big search the whole nine yards.
To answer your question I was also concerned to end up white and as cheep as possible. I have a 75g with 260watts PC = 3.4w/sf lighting
I went with Caribsea Aragmax Select oolite sugar size. Even though it looked sorta tan in color in bag I can tell you this - It is definately white under my lighting. Whewww. I love it and my pumps make it wavy looking from water flow I didn't even try.
At my lfs my best buy was $25.50 for 30# bag. I got 2 and later got 1 - 20# bag of bacteria sand to add. After all my cc and critters were gone. I tried checking sites for prices but shipping killed me - back to the lfs. Many on this board helped me with this effort. I'm very pleased.
I put the 60# of Carib. Sand in a container, added air stone,some main tank water from a change and a 78 Deg htr. and leter go for 2 weeks to cure. One Saturday tore into main tank and made the change.:D


New Member
Cool, thank you I think I will go with the caribsea then. I can also get that in a LFS and it will save me alittle money on shipping too.
Thanks again for the replies.


I purchased the Pure Aragonite online and am very happy with it. It is very white but im sure the Aragmax will be white as well under bright lights. I have never had an issue with cloudy water and I have a gobie that is always playing in the sand. If it gets stirred up the water usually clears up very quickly. I dont think you can go wrong with either selection. I would just make sure to stay away from the CC


Active Member
I also have the Pure Aragonite and its great, if you follow the directions for putting it in and the water in your tank will only be cloudy for about 12 hours. It is very white and it doesn't cloud ever.


Something to help the clouding is to sift your hands through say a fourth of a bucket full and really stir up - this will cause clouding and actually some thick foam you can spill out and do again to clear. Doesn't take long-dump out all water then put sand into your tupperware cont. or whatever and work on somemore. 60# rinsing only takes about 10-15 min. and is well worth it. I did use tap water for that but as I said I drained it well. When all is in your culturing container put at least 4" of main tank water over the top and it will of course six into the sand. Use airstone for a couple weeks with the shrimp for bacteria coating. Put the sand in your drained tank of min. water level slowly - I siphoned off the excess cloudy water added lr then filled the tank with my saltwater very slowly in a bowl spillingout onto several lr is was sitting on. I got no clouding to speak of. Yes it had a little. Next morn. crystal clear.
zanemoseley and kpatrick are right on.
Best of luck.