
It's a good product, it's more of a prevention then a cure.
Everything I have read it sounds like a good deal. Lol so I bought some yesterday and was going to try it out


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ninerfan4life http:///t/397149/purigen#post_3538824
Everything I have read it sounds like a good deal. Lol so I bought some yesterday and was going to try it out

LOL...It doesn't do much good to purchase BEFORE you ask if it's any good. There are so many useless products that the LFS will sell you. It's good to check here first, save yourself some cash. The Purigen is a good one, so you lucked out.

LOL...It doesn't do much good to purchase BEFORE you ask if it's any good. There are so many useless products that the LFS will sell you. It's good to check here first, save yourself some cash. The Purigen is a good one, so you lucked out.
Lol I usually do my research first but she seemed to know what she was talking with confidence and for the price I was like why not


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ninerfan4life http:///t/397149/purigen#post_3538827
Lol I usually do my research first but she seemed to know what she was talking with confidence and for the price I was like why not

LOL...That's the problem...They ALL sound like they know what they are talking about. I only go to the LFS knowing what I want or need....anything else I wait and ask about. I have been burned too many times to get crap that does me no good.

At any rate it seems your all good on this one.