purple actinics?????????


i was looking through different tank set ups and saw a tank with purple actinic lighting (bright purple not lunar lights) has anyone seen these or know how to get them and do they have the same effect as blue or is it just for looks?
sorry to load up on questions but i also saw a bright yellow feather duster any one know the proper name.


Both the blue and the purple are actinic bulbs. They have different wave lengths so they cover different parts of the light spectrum. The blue bulbs are 460 nm and the purple colored bulbs are 420 nm. The bulbs I use on my particular setup has one 460 nm and one 420 nm. Hope this helps.


the system I bought came with the dual bulbs already in it. Theory is that it is better to have a little of both so it covers more of the natural light spectrum. The bulbs are more expensive approx. $7 but honestly I don't know that the dual color bulbs make a huge difference. You would have to talk to someone else with more experience about this kind of stuff.