purple algea, cant remember the name...


What is the purple algea on my rocks called? I have it on tip of my tounge, but cant pull it off...(brain fart). Anyway, how do you help your tank develop that, im still in my cycle. Does it just come with time? And what does it do exactly for your tank?


comes in time with proper lighting and water parameters. keep up on the water changes to keep calcium levels and other up in the ideal range for it to take off. dont get takin in by purple up hipe and other products they help but not enough to justify the cost IMO.


my lighting is just simiple lighting...I want to get something better. Not sure what to look for. I have a 50/50 flor bulb in there now. Where should I look and what sizes? Its only a 10 gallon.


Active Member
for a 10 gallon you could do well with a little PC light setup, with a 10k and actinic dual light. i don't know that you'd be able to put a metal halide onto a 10 gallon...


Active Member
do a yahoo search for odyssea jebo. or even look for smaller corallife aqualights.
it's against swf's rules to talk about competitors, so i can't give any hints, but you'll find them cheap somewhere.