Purple Anemone pics and questions???


Active Member
My purple anemone has been acting weird the last few days.....it started out by moving to the back corner of the tank and now it's mouth is really open...any ideas as to what is goin on with it???? It's only been in the tank for four days..
first pic last night...
second pic an hour ago(it's been like that all day today)



Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
What are your water readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, kh, SG, and temp?
all levels are at zero except recently nitrite has spiked to .25...PH is between 7.8-8...1.025 salt....temp is at most during day 82....
lights are metal halides 150w 15k


Active Member
I would say the nitrite could be the culprit Anemones need pristine water. the nitrite spike could be because the anemone is dyign though how old isthe tank? did it cycle?


Active Member
water conditions had been stable for three to four weeks before we added the anemone....
the anemone is either spitting out or shedding white clumps of stuff that resemble chewed up shrimp kind of....


Active Member
wanted to also add: the anemone still has its stickiness, this is good right? if he were nearly dead wouldn't he have lost this?