purple carpet anemone question


Active Member
we purchased a purple carpet anemone yesturday, a rather large one prolly a foot from end to end...tonight it curled up and has its mouth open...is this normal? is it hungry?


my green did the same thing for several days however it always remained nice and bright, so watch it's color, it should remain rich. it is not hungry it is pissed, leave him along and just watch him. what lights do you have him under get flow on him to this help him feel better. here is a pic of mine this is where he moved to first day and stayed I got lucky!! as long your water is right on a mature tank, and proper lights he should be fine in a few days.
here is pic of mine one his first day in tank


and here is the same guy 1 week later you can see his mouth is open just a bit still one week later. I attempted to feed at the end of his first week and he took it, fresh squid.



Active Member
I want a purple carpet so bad, but they eat everything
What else do you have in the tank?
I'm thinking about setting up a 55g with nothing but a village of clowns and a purple carpet.


Active Member
Carpets are pretty but they are KNOWN to eat BIG fish does not matter to them how much they cost either. Ha!


Active Member
I'm pretty much over just about all anemones. My BTA ate my Blue Spotted Jawfish, I don't spend $125 on dinner, even for myself............ and pretty sure he had something to do with several other lost fish.


Active Member
the light was good he was right under a light...do you suppose that the brighter light in which we introduced him to could have caused this? at the lfs i don't believe he was under hp lights....also now he climbed to teh back corner of the tank and is just hanging out...is this normal? the flow was very good too i don't understand...i will post a picture of him in one second my g friend is taking the pic as we speak


Active Member
Originally Posted by bonita69
my green did the same thing for several days however it always remained nice and bright, so watch it's color, it should remain rich. it is not hungry it is pissed, leave him along and just watch him. what lights do you have him under get flow on him to this help him feel better. here is a pic of mine this is where he moved to first day and stayed I got lucky!! as long your water is right on a mature tank, and proper lights he should be fine in a few days.
here is pic of mine one his first day in tank
ours looks similar just the purple anemone wasn't as purple to begin with as your anemone is green...yah know? only the tips of the anemone were really purple....i just moved my powerhead so it is shooting directly on him....


he will be just fine mine ate good for me tonight, he even showed his colors more it seem like. he is 2 weeks in today a doing great! yours will come around. try to feed in a few days.


Active Member
what do you feed it? i was told by my lfs to feed him silversides and such...in my other tank i feed my bubble tip pretty much anything(frozen shrimp,frozen scallops,frozen squid...)


Originally Posted by maxalmon
I want a purple carpet so bad, but they eat everything
What else do you have in the tank?
I'm thinking about setting up a 55g with nothing but a village of clowns and a purple carpet.
I have
snails, hermit,5 devil damsels(wish the carpet will eat them)
2 clowns
1 yellow head sand shifter goby
1 sleeper goby
2 green chromis
1 foxface
the 5 damsels will be all gone this week, I have one that is over 3 inches and is mean as hell.
I have 92g corner
the fish stay away from it so far.


Originally Posted by chadman
do you have a purple carpet as well?
no just a green one
he fed on 2 nice pices of cut scallops, fresh from the market.
I hear the silversides they tend to have trouble eating, so I will use the shrimp,squid, and scallop.


Originally Posted by chadman
is frozen stuff okay or is fresh stuff the best?
that should be fine just thaw in a little tank water in a cup and feed.
i take mine home cut it all up mix together and spread in out on foil the toss in freezer then I break in pieces then put in zip bag, so that I take just enough for feedings. I feed this to all my animals. I hold the pieces in feeding tongs and let the fish rip at it, keeps food from goinfg all over my tank. Then after the fish feed I spot feed my corals, stars, and now my carpet. i also feed mysis shrimp the same way. here is a pic sorry it is not so clear, I am using my hand this time but normaly I use my tongs
hi i'm also gonna get a carpet anenome soon, and my LFS person says they will do fine under 260 watts of pc lighting (which he was trying to sell me) , even though i know this is not true, will they do well in a 432 watts lighting(nova extreme 8X54)
by the way tank is a 60 gallon ))


I am no expert but they do best under MH to my understanding/research.
T-5 anyone??