Purple condi Hiding


Active Member
I added a purple condi yesterday, he went into the rock where I cant see him, is this normal? should I locate him and get him out in the open?


This is perfectly normal for any anemone. They will move around until they find a spot that has suitable light-current-temp combination. Locate him, but do not try to move him. If it felt that up front was a suitable spot, it would have stayed there. Keep an eye on him and make sure it attatches somewhere, but if it is attatched already, just let it be and enjoy it where it is. Also, do you have any scarlet-legged hermit crabs in your tank? If so, note that scarlets are natural predators of condylactus anemones, and will likely pick it to death.


Active Member
Oh well my first loss, the purple condi was under the last most deepest rock in the tank no light at all,and not moving at all, so I fished him out, dont know what went wrong?, water is good,
my carpet anemone is fine, anyone have any Ideas? I only had him in 1 day,I added a feather duster,a royal gramma, a flame angel, and a blue starfish, all at the same time with the purple condi, ?


Active Member
You got rid of it? I think it was probably ok. Mine used to shrink down to size of a golf ball and hide and then sometimes be stretched out tall and wide. When they die they kind of turn to goo and smell awful.


If this is your first loss, what size tank do you have and how long has it been set up? Anemones are very sensitive to water quality, so if the tank hasn't been cycled long enough, the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate could have killed it. Also, how did you acclimate it? Inverts should be acclimated very slowly, as sudden changes in their environment will stress them. The best method for acclimating them is to get a large-sterile bucket and put them in it with their bag water, then get an airline tubing and start a siphon with it coming from the tank they are going to be introduced into. When the bucket gets full, drain half the water and continue till it is full again. When it is full the second time, they should be fine to go into the tank.


Active Member
Well I feel pretty dumb, The anemone is fine ,
I thought it was DOA,since I never had one I didnt know what to expect, A visit to the LFS where I got him enlightened me ,he is back in tank perked up again, very stange creature that had me up half the nite worried about him,I thought it could not get out from where it was moved rocks to get him out,I should of left it alone , So this is part of the learning process about this hobby, no harm done ,just a little sleep loss,


Active Member
Glad it worked out. Get used to the no sleep thing. It's like having newborn babies in the house everytime I buy something new. I'm up checking on it 6 times a night. :D