purple coraline algae question

ok so i set up my 29 gallon biocube tank this weekend .i got 20 lbs live sand 45 lbs of live fuji rock.i want my rock to be purple color but all the pieces were mainly green.is it possible to get purple coraline algae to grow or do i need a piece of it to spread?where would i get a piece to spread if i had to.is there any supplements i can use or anything?


Active Member
Just be patient. It's been 6 months with 400 ppm calcium and 9 dKH alk with halide lighting and it's just starting to grow in my frag tank.


Active Member
Two things you need the biggie is time.... Second would be maintaining a good level of calcium...Also learn the relationships between Calcium, Magnesium and especially your Alkalinity ,Learning this "Balance now will save woes down the road ...... But do not fall into the idea that things like "Purple Up" are the way to go. I am sure if I had not said this someone would say go get some of the stuff........
If your rocks show green coralline, purple will come with time....If there are some traces of purple on the rocks the stuff will spread.... Secondly if you see no purple in my eyes be glad...... The day may come when you dread that one chore of continually scrapping the stuff off of your glass......But for now waiting is the key, it takes time..... ..Notice I said that word again Time.........


well i happen to love the purple corraline i clean the front and sides but leave the back glass alone. I found a youtube vid that shows how to get corraline to grow
get a piece of liverock that has it on there already. turn filter off and scrape some of the corraline off into a small dish that has tank water in it. put rock and shavings back into the tank. repeat every couple of weeks. then just wait.
for the sceptics out there.....try it. it works
I tried it and 1 week after 1st attempt - had corraline growing on both power heads and some starting on back glass.
I read somewhere that if you disturb the corraline (scaping it off) it will release spores as a defense/survival tactic. the spores spread giving more corraline. if you don't believe me just try it - what can it hurt.


Active Member
I still think it is more of a pain. Here is a end of mine that is close to the wife's cabinet that I just gave up on......



that is awesome mine will look like that some day i hope show a pic of tank side not outside (if u dont mind)
i like it because it seems to give a more "natural" look


Coraline algae needs light and calcium. It's practically inevitable, but does take a while to get started to the extent that you'll be seeing it. Be patient.
If you add calcium by any means other than a water change (which is probably all your really need to do), then you'll have to learn the three way balancing act between calcium, magnesium and alkalinity.
Adding calcium from store bought bottles got to be very expensive for me, but my tank is 200 gallons, so I got a calcium reactor. It took a while to get it configured and balanced but now it runs with (almost) no supervision or work by me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jmoore1197
that is awesome mine will look like that some day i hope show a pic of tank side not outside (if u dont mind)
i like it because it seems to give a more "natural" look
Thanks, Sorry the thread is drifting away from just coralline....
I actually like adding things to the back glass other than just coralline.. Here is a patch of GSPs I think it gives the tank a feel of more depth.Second shot shows how they fill the background out......... Warren



Active Member
Originally Posted by techshredder
are you sure green can turn to purple or other colors or do i need to go out and get the a rock with purple on it?
A rock with some purple on never hurts. But when buying frags etc. they are often attached to small pieces of rock with coralline on them........
Like I said before Time is the key..
Here is a shot of a little piece of Tonga showing Coralline colors in my thank,.. There are the greens, reds, purples and even blues on this little piece.........