Purple Corky Finger


New Member
My purple corky finger is starting to grow a white film resembling latex.
Does any one know what this is or if its common? :help:
Any advice out there would be great.


Active Member
What is a corky finger? If it is some sort of leather coral it is probably normal, they shed from time to time to get rid of funk build up.


Active Member
Is it on the coral like a thin film? Try useing a turkey baster and blowing it off.
Corky finger is a gargonian.


New Member
:notsure: :notsure: I have a red & yellow gorgonian as well. I just tried the turkey baster. Behind the film it looks like my other gorgonian's. I guess it sheds? However that was on the left side, on the right side one of the arms disintegrated into purple fizz. The other snapped off. I had purple stuff all over the tank my fish got a little crazed. Kinda looked like grape Fun Dip was in my tank. Anyway I am assuming the right side is not that healthy. Do you think I shoud snap the other arms off on the right side? This piece still has 10 arms about 7 inches wide by 10 inches high.
Any suggestions?


Active Member
The red and yellow needs to be fed 2-3 times weekly, it is not photosynthetic.
The purple one is and can be fed or not.
I would cut off any dead/decaying spots you see.(outside the tank) Get some more currant on that coral.
Any other corals have problems or is it just this one?