Purple death zoas


Active Member
I went over to a house today to pick up some emerad crabs from him and saw his 3 frag tanks. then I spotted
this frag of Purple death zoas with 3 heads, I asked him how much for it and he said $5. I bought it and now it's in my pico as i type this. it's an awesome new addition


Active Member
here are some pics. See if you can identify them, The purple deaths didnt cooperate so i did the best i could.
im not sure what picture this is beside, but what type of creatures are on the glass?


The things on your glass look like hydroids.....
From what I understand they eat copepods, and will be a threat to any fry you may ever hatch.
I think the best thing is to remove them.....I never had them, only read bits and pecues about them
Look up Hydromedusae


Active Member
would a red headed goby eat them? and i have tons of copepods, if i had the time i could count hundreds on the glass every morning. and i have tons of amphipods.


the things on the glass are hydroids.
I see them at the LFS's all the time and I tell them have hydroids and they freak out and start pulling them out. Then I tell them they don't hurt anything and they look at me like I'm the devil
Good times.
Nice frags BTW


They are death to smaller creatures. One member here lost her entire dwarf seahorse colony to a hydroid outbreak while she was on vacation.


I don't think so. The main thing is to get your feeding in line. In other words don't overfeed the tank and the hydroids will start to disappear on their own. They feed on the excess nutrients in a tank. You can use a turkey baster to suck them off the glass and flush them.


Active Member
i don't feed though, i use marine snow once or twice a week for the coral and it's a very small amount.


Active Member
I had some of those, they went the way of the dodo in my tank. then again, i dont have many copepods in my tank. Fishies are clowns, PJ cardinals, flasher wrasse and a royal gramma. They disapeared around the time of the wrasse introduction.