purple dottyback


he's got to go he's been causing problems.(wants to be a tough guy)Anyone else had problems with these guys? :thinking:


Active Member
I had one and he was VERY docile, never bothered a thing. BUT, they have a very bad rep in general. Most of them are extremely aggressive.


Mine has been moderately agressive, but only as far as chasing my Sixline around. No blood has been spilt, as it were. And the chasing only happens sometimes.


Active Member
i have one, the only thing hes really disturbed is 2 pepermint shrimp which he killed i think, other than that hes a very peaceful fish


Active Member
IME, they are fine once territories are established. But adding new fish is next to impossible. Mine once ate an entire peppermint shrimp. The shrimp was as big as the fish. And he ate it whole. It is a great fish though as long as you plan around it correctly.


The lfs said he would be fine with my clowns and he picks on them daily. The clowns seem to get mad and charge at him together as a team. The clowns are fine but he seems to do it just to pick a fight. He's got to go back this weekend.


LOL i made a mistake putting one in with my 2 fire fish and it just took over there home that they sleep in and i was like nooooooooo way your comin out but that little guy is fast i had to take every single piece of rock out of there just to catch him and guess what i gave him a piece of my mind. i threw him in there with the waterboy yep my baby croc. Ate him less than a min. i no dumb of me but i had to do something with him cause i really love my 2 fires and tell today they come out ALOT and swim but the saltwater place i got him from was like 20 min away so thats my story LOLOLOLOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by NanoKid
LOL i made a mistake putting one in with my 2 fire fish and it just took over there home that they sleep in and i was like nooooooooo way your comin out but that little guy is fast i had to take every single piece of rock out of there just to catch him and guess what i gave him a piece of my mind. i threw him in there with the waterboy yep my baby croc. Ate him less than a min. i no dumb of me but i had to do something with him cause i really love my 2 fires and tell today they come out ALOT and swim but the saltwater place i got him from was like 20 min away so thats my story LOLOLOLOL

Sorry, but I don't really think it's funny.


lol what would u do let it eat 2 firefish that are both 11 doll each plus tax and let that one bad fish eat them and hurt them and its only 13 bucks NOPE not in my agenda


Active Member
No I wouldn't let it eat my other fish. I would make the trip back to the lfs but that's just me.