Purple fire gobies


I am thinking about adding 1 or 2 purple fire gobies to my reef tank and would like to know if anyone has any advise? Anything different or odd about them that would be helpful to know before I buy them? I have 2 percula clowns in the tank as well as a coral banded shrimp,a brittle star, a lawnmower blenny, 3 snails and hermit crabs. Will they go ok with the live rock?


I have 2 and they are fine in my tank they hide about 1/2 the day but they are very pretty. I just feed mine a var. of frozen food.


Active Member
Purples are great reef tank fish. If you can get a pair that would be a fine addition to your tank. They like to sleep and hide in the crevices of the rock and actually need that to be happy. They are a bit mellow tho and unless happy will not come out much except to eat. If you get them and they stay out a lot then you have made them happy. They are more expensive then the regular fire ones but either type will do well for you.


Active Member
Great fish :D The only thing I would suggest is to keep an eye on your coral banded shrimp. I had one for over a year, no problems, then one day it ate my Rainfords gobie, and ripped my purple fire fish to shreds, the fire fish lived though and I still have it.


I have one Firefish (not a purple). I started with three. Two paired off an one was a loner. They are very timid. I, unfortunately, added them in with a Bi-Color Dottyback. The Dotty was very aggressive toward them. This fish looks for someone to pick on. Consequently, the pair starved to death because they would not come out to eat. The loner surived and since I traded the Dotty in at the LFS he's out on a regular basis and is very healthy. Lesson learned.
They like to live in holes under the LR. The are very cool to watch as they "twitch" around and have fantastic colors.
Great reef fish. Go for it.
Wow, I guess I did good then, because my purple fire fish is always out of the "cave" (a piece of live rock that is curved like a bowl with a hole right in the middle of one of the sides, best looking piece of rock I have ever seen! and all three fish like to sleep inside it :p ). I love the look of them and mine has gotten along well with my tank and all of its inhabitants (it wont back down to my clown which is good cause the clown is kinda mean).


i have 2 normal firefish and they are great i was wondering if i could also have purple firefish with them?


I have 2 regular firefish and 1 purple one, and they are doing just fine. The purple one stays by it self though.


if you get any get at least 2 because they like to hang out together and school. I have 2 plan ones and they sit in the middle of the tank all day. I want to get a few more.


i have some reg and a purp. they are great. becareful though, i lost my first ones to my filter. and one jumped out. :( now i have a covered tank, ad i watch my overflow. they get trapped in there and just starve. I find one (the smallest) in my overflow about once ever 2 weeks. he is just stupid :)

rabid seacow

New Member
i would like to devote a tank to these striking fish. I have had tried three firefish before fall victom to my dottyback. They seem very prone to being bullied. Given the right enviroment I bet they would be a great addition.


Active Member
Would it be possable to add a pair of firefish to a tank with a coral beauty and a pair of false percs in a 45g reef? Or do you think the coral beauty would bully them? He isn't much of a bully, now, but i'm not sure how he would be with new commers, especially timid fish. Anyone keep cb with firefish?


i have a 125 with 2 norm firefish and a coral beauty and they are all doing great also there are a lot of other fish in the tank