purple firefish hiding


My firefish has been hiding since the second day after I introduced a coral beauty angel. He hides in a hole in the rocks. Is this normal? I think he is still eating but definitely staying hid.

shrimpy brains

Not sure if this helps, but my coral beauty used to harass my purple firefish constantly. I think she thought it was a cleaner and would do a little dance around to get the firefish to clean her.
This only stopped when I bought a sixline wrasse. I guess she gets cleaned now and leaves the firefish alone.


Originally Posted by Tang Master
yeah, beautys can sometimes be bullyish.
. I also have a six line wrasse. Just wondering if it was anything I could do? The sailfin never botherd it. But who knows all fish are diff


had the same problem when i bought a flame angel. wierd thing is that the angel died for some unknown reason in february, it's now august and the firefish hasn't come out to swim once! he's still alive cause I can see him pop his head out to feed. I read somewhere that blue reef chromis can coax shy fish to swim more. something about if other fish see chromis' (a prey fish) swimming, they don't think that there are any preadators in the area and they come out. don't quote me on that, I never tried it. I don't have any more room in my tank for another fish!