Purple growth on glass


Well my tank has been set up for 6-7 weeks now and all seems to be well. I just have yet another question. There have been spirobid worms growing on the glass but they are diminishing in numbers. Now I have noticed several spots that appear to be purplish. They are at random spots on the glass over the whole tank. Anyone have any ideas on what they might be? :thinking: Thanks in advance!!! : : :happyfish


Active Member
probably coraline algae. it grows fast when you have sufficient calcium levels. as far as i know its not bad. a pic would help. you can just scrape it off


Active Member
coraline is good! your fish will eat it and it will ward off nuisance algae...i let it grow all over my back and sides, i just keep the front glass clear for viewing...you know things are going well in your tank when you have good coraline growth...


We have been adding a supplement b/c of the crustaceans--I suppose this could facilitate this coraline. There appears to be quite a bit on the LR that we have. Maybe I should lay off on the supplement for the time being? Thanks for such a fast reply!!! :happyfish


Active Member
i'd encourage coraline growth...i used to add purple up and am currently adding it to my g friends tank...if your rocks have it and your clean up crew have it on their shells then it will help it spread faster around the tank...coraline is natures epoxy give it enough time and you will have a solid reef in your tank


My queen conch and a couple other snails have coraline on their shells--I'm glad to hear this is good. I am very new to this--could you please explain how this benefits a reef tank? I would eventually like to have more coral. So far I have one xenia and a mushroom polyp that I purchased from SWF. Thanks for the info, too!!!


If you have a good LFS go and look at their display tank. Live rock covered in coraline algae is a very beatiful site.
I am jealous all I have is diatoms and hair algae


didnt know all that, just knew it was goood. sounds like i need some purple up

nope just over priced additive that can cause you more trouble, just keep up with water changes and it will get what it needs to grow.