I have a purple lobster from this site. It has been with my fish since November. In March we moved everyone into a 180.
We know where his hole is..and each night right before lights go out...we use a feeding stick and put something downnear the entrance of his rock, for him. He takes it everynight.
He likes raw squid or shrimp best. I have never seen him catch anything of mine...but I can not see him all of the time.
I just think its a good idea to keep his belly full. I hand feed my Choc chip star too. Just to try to curb any hunger issues they may get in the middle of the night.
He has only came out one time...and got into a hole near the front glass, he stayed there about a day..but the next night, he went back to his regular spot.
I have found one molt since Ive had him. I cant see that he is too much bigger than when I first got him.
Think the fish learned fairly early on...where to stay away from. Because I never see anyof them bothering or nosing around the entrance to his hole! LOL
I ll tell ya what thou, I lost all but one of my red leg hermits to an arrow crab. I had more trubble outta him than anything. He also had a brandnew little bitty perc clown in his claws the morning after I got it, when the lights came on. The arrow crab died when we moved into the bigger tank. I dont know what happen to him. We were gentle with him, but he died in the holding buckets before we ever got everything in the tank.
The purple lobster survived the move thou! lol
I did have some pictures, I dont know if I still do..Ill hunt for them.
Goodluck...let us know what u decide.