Purple lobster

masta man

Yo, I was wondering what you have to do to care for these guys they look really cool. I just want the basic facts, I don't know what to think when swf.com says 1-2 inches?


I've had mine for quite some time and I dont do anything really except put a shrimp pellet or two down there at the same time i feed my fish, he just cleans up the bottom. He's molted a few times, which is the most I see of him other than an occasional lurking out of the rockwork to grab a bit of food...they hide and you wont see much of it.

masta man

is it very hardy, I just scrubbed down all my rocks (hair algae) and I need something that can help clean up all the stuff that is around my tank that came off the rocks.


He's been quite harty, and is skittesh, not aggressive towards anthing in my tank. I have a cleaner shrimp, other inverts, and 4 fish and he just stays in his rockwork. I dont think he goes for plant stuff though, i think he stays with the meaty type foods that drop to the bottom. You might want to get something else to clean up algae and stuff from the live rock.


Active Member
It will not eat any algae or anything like that from your rocks, but it will scavenge anything that dies. Be sure to keep it well fed as when mine got hungry, it'd go nab itself a live fish (Hence my no longer owning one).