Purple Lobsters What do they eat??


New Member
I recently got a purple lobster the smallest fish I have are a lawnmower blenny, 2 clowns without an anenome, and thats all for the small fish. I read to feed him meaty foods, but what is big enough for him to find? Also, can he just scavange or not? thanks


My lobster generally eats whatever floats past his hiding spot. He generally never comes out of this little crevice he has wedged himself into but on occassion, I'll see a claw quickly come out and grab some food. I feed mostly the frozen meaty foods (shrimp, cyclopees, etc) and on occasion I have thrown some flakes in. He seems to like the flakes, but I think it may have more to do with the flakes being slower as they float by.


I got a red reef lobster (clairance), I have been feeding him alot to keep him reef safe. I feed him feeder shrimp amd freeze dried brine shrimp. I make sude he gets full so he won't find one of my fish a tasty treat. I believe the red and purple lobsters are pretty much the same lobster.


Mine pretty much just eats whatever the fish don't get. Every once in a while ill take tongs and place a soaked piece of shrimp or clam near his cave but thats about it. He's a big guy.. about 3-1/4" Had him for about 8 months now with no problems so far