Purple Mithrax ?


This guy came in a mushroom rock and was no bigger than a 1/4". Now he is almost 1" across. Ever seen one this dark purple before?



Active Member
great pics, and no I haven't seen one in person but I believe they come in red so maybe purple is possible - great shot of the cup-like claw!!


Active Member
its pretty badass, i hope you find out what he is. Very cool! Hopefully he plays nice guy.


it looks like an emerald crab, just purple. Check him out for a while if he plays nice then hes a sweet new crab. If not, throw him in the sump, or give him to someone who does have a sump.
Someone told me that the color of the mythrax crabs depends on the color of the algea they eat. dont know how true that is, but i know they do come in red, so purple is possible. Nice find.


I tried getting him out when I first saw him but never could. He hasn't bothered anything in my tank at all. Just goes around picking at the rocks eating algae I would assume.